About the project

The GROW project, funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme and coordinated by Roter Baum Berlin,twas developed in partnership with Curba de Cultura (Romania), Strauss APS (Italy), and Društvo Lojtra (Slovenia) to enhance the quality of youth camps and non-formal education.

At the heart of the project is the GROW Toolkit, a practical resource designed for Camp Leaders, volunteers, and youth workers who want to improve the quality of youth activities, with a particular focus on youth camps. The Toolkit provides structured methods and adaptable strategies to create inclusive, safe, and engaging experiences for young people, including those with special needs or from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The motivation behind GROW stems from the need for innovative tools and approaches to support youth work. The project specifically aims to:

  • Equip youth workers with practical skills and adaptable knowledge to design high-quality youth camps.
  • Address the challenges of inclusivity and engagement in youth activities.
  • Provide a structured framework that can be implemented across different cultural and regional contexts.

Project goals

The GROW project was developed to address critical gaps in youth work, identified through consultations with youth workers. In particular it was designed to improve the quality and impact of youth camps by:

  • Enhancing the preparation of individuals supporting youth camp activities.
  • Developing consolidated and adaptable methods for diverse organisational realities and for diverse camp settings.
  • Equipping youth workers, volunteers, and Camp Leaders to manage the emotional and professional challenges of working with young people in non-formal education settings.
  • Creating engaging, safe, and enjoyable youth activities, focusing on youth development and positive engagement.
  • Ensuring camps are inclusive, engaging, and developmentally enriching for all participants.

Through these objectives, GROW supports the creation of meaningful camp experiences that foster personal growth, skill development, and community engagement. 


    The GROW consortium is built on a strong foundation of collaboration established through previous international Erasmus+ projects. The four partner organisations bring unique strengths and expertise:

    • Roter Baum Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
    • Curba de Cultura (Izvoarele, Romania)
    • Strauss APS (Mussomeli, Italy)
    • Društvo Lojtra (Litija, Slovenia)

      Main activities

      The project unfolded in four interconnected phases:

      Need Analysis

      Insights were gathered from youth workers, organisational leaders, and young people to understand their expectatons regarding youth camp activities.

        Toolkit Development

        The hearth of the project, the GROW toolkit, was created as a practical, multilingual resource to support youth workers, volunteers, and Camp Leaders

        Testing and Refiniment

        The Toolkit was piloted in Germany and Italy to evaluate its effectiveness and improve it before broader dissemination. 

        Promotion and Dissemination

        The GROW Toolkit was translated into five languages, ensuring accessibility for NGOs and youth organisations across Europe

          Project results

          The GROW Toolkit

          The main outcome of the GROW project is the GROW Toolkit, a resource designed for Camp Leaders, volunteers, and youth workers to enhance the quality of youth activities. The Toolkit focuses on creating accessible, safe, and engaging activities for young people, including those with special needs or from disadvantaged backgrounds. By addressing gaps in youth work practices, the project has provided youth sector professionals with innovative tools and strategies to organise high-quality activities, fostering meaningful experiences for young people across Europe.

            Project coordinator –  Chiara Maggi


            Feel free to contact me with any inquiries or questions!

            The project “GROW – Goals, Resources, Opportunities, Wonders. A methodological toolkit to enhance the expertise of youth workers and youth camp leaders” is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Jugend für Europa – Nationale Agentur. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”