About the project

INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL YOUTH CENTRE (IVY) is an international project aimed at creating a dynamic virtual youth center accessible across Europe. The project’s mission was to provide young people with an innovative online platform where they could connect, socialize, and benefit from resources and opportunities typically offered by physical youth centers. IVY project gave the possibility to develop a pilot platform as an International Virtual Youth Centre. 

In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, IVY not only created a space for young people to stay connected but also explored the impact of the pandemic on youth work, open youth work practices, and the daily lives of young people. The project highlighted how youth centers adapted to restrictions, developing new strategies to maintain their role as open and inclusive spaces—even in a virtual setting.

Project goals

IVY aimed to adapt youth work to digital environments, exploring innovative tools for online engagement.

Through IVY, we sought to improve our work and create offerings that young people could access from home or other locations, especially in regions lacking youth centers. These activities not only addressed key topics relevant to young people but also contributed to enhancing their language skills, fostering cultural exchange, and strengthening networks with peers, youth workers, organizations, and youth centers across different countries.


The partners in this project are:

  • Strauss APS (Mussomeli, Italy)

  • Asociația Curba de Cultură (Izvoarele, Romania)

  • RIS – Research and Educational Centre Dvorec Rakičan (Rakičan, Slovenia)

  • Roter Baum Berlin (Berlin, Germany)

  • tACC, Taller d’Art, Cultura i Creació (Barcelona, Spain)

  • Udruzenje Crveno Drvo (Vranje, Serbia)

Main activities

Research Phase

To understand the realities faced by young people and youth workers during the pandemic, IVY conducted two key surveys:

  • First Survey (Youth Workers’ Perspective):
    Focused on trends in online youth work and the pandemic’s impact on youth workers. It collected 35 responses from Spain, Serbia, Germany, Romania, Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia during winter/spring 2022. The survey explored topics such as adaptation strategies, new digital tools, and the changing role of youth centers.

Second Survey (Young People’s Perspective):
Examined online socializing trends and the influence of social networks during and after the pandemic. With 95 responses from six countries, the survey highlighted the challenges young people faced in maintaining connections and the role of digital platforms in supporting mental well-being. 

Both surveys provided critical data for understanding the transformation of youth work in a post-pandemic world. The results are available in eight languages.

Creation of the IVY Pilot Discord Platform

As part of the project, a pilot platform on Discord was launched to create a virtual space where young people could:

  • Socialize freely and exchange ideas
  • Participate in workshops and discussions
  • Connect with peers from different cultures and backgrounds

Content was co-created by young people and disseminated through popular social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. This platform became a hub for continuous learning, cultural exchange, and youth-led initiatives.

Project results

The IVY project achieved significant outcomes, including:

  • The successful implementation of a pilot virtual youth center via Discord, offering open spaces for interaction and learning.
  • Enhanced digital skills among youth workers, fostering new approaches to online engagement.
  • Increased youth participation in decision-making processes related to youth center activities and policies.
  • Stronger cross-cultural connections through international networking opportunities.

IVY demonstrated how virtual platforms can complement physical youth centers, providing access to young people in remote areas and promoting inclusivity beyond geographical boundaries.


Project coordinator –  Chiara Maggi

Feel free to contact me with any inquiries or questions!

The project “International Virtual Youth Centre – IVY” is co-funded by the EU Erasmus + Programme of the European Union – EU. European Union is not responsible for any content. Such content represents the view of its authors only.